AsteRisk, LLC was founded in 1993 to provide safety, technical support and compliance assistance to industrial gas companies. The former name of the company was The Worksafe Group of New England. Under Worksafe, we developed loss prevention programs for large and small companies with dramatic reductions in workplace injuries and vehicle accidents.
In 1995, we changed the name of the company to AsteRisk due to the sale of the original Worksafe Group to an insurance company. Also, the focus of the company evolved more toward specialty and medical gas consulting.... with an increasing international client base.
AsteRisk developed the first independent specialty gas recipe/label generating software in 1996 and MSDS generation software in 2011. (Specialty Gas Manager and MSDS Manager). These products provide technical solutions to specialty gas operations personnel. Further assistance is provided in over 120 seminars we conduct each year.
Call us at 1-508-883-0927 for information about:
ISO 17025 and ISO Guide 34 Accreditation
Proficiency Testing
Measurement Uncertainty Budgets
Quality Procedures and Local Work Instructions
FDA Compliance
Food Good Manufacturing Practices
Drug Gas Compliance and Training
Device Gas Procedures
Process and Analytical Validation
Specialty Gas Training
Gravimetric Mixture Filling
Gas Chromatography
Process Instrumentation