Upcoming GAWDA Medical Gas Alert Teleconference on Tuesday, July 15th.

Certain GAWDA members have received an urgent notice from Western Enterprises regarding a recall of their RG3000 and RG4000 Series Valve Integrated Pressure Regulators (VIPRs, Grab-n-Go, etc.). Most units are not affected by this recall. Only the RG3000 and RG4000 units over 10 years old are included in the recall. See the handouts for an exact listing of affected units.

Unfortunately, this is a measure that will require some action on your part if you have supplied any of the affected units to your customers.

We are holding a special teleconference exclusively for GAWDA members to address the following:


  • How to decide if this recall affects you
  • Review of sample recall procedures you can adopt/revise to fit your situation. We have customized some procedures that will accommodate a device recall such as the Western Enterprises VIPR recall
  • Q&A 

In addition, Western Enterprises will have a representative available to directly answer any questions.

If you are affected by this Western Enterprises VIPR recall, consider having someone from your company log onto the teleconference on Tuesday(7/15/14) at 11 AM EDT. The teleconference will be recorded in case this schedule is inconvenient.

Below are sample procedures to download.  The documents will be referenced during the teleconference

  1. Recall Notification Supplement
  2. Recall Notification Letter

Please contact us (amy@asteriskllc.com) if you would like further information about this notice or the meeting on the 15th.