The Specialty Gas Manager – Summary
The Specialty Gas Manager assists your operations and sales personnel in...
Mixture Recipes - It applies safe mixture making procedures which have been developed from years of specialty gas mixture experience (vapor pressure limitation, BTU/LEL limitation, compatibility, etc.) It recommends the CGA outlet, hydrotest frequency and eligibility for 10% overfill. It is also customizable to prohibit certain gases or conditions (fuel/oxidizer, etc.). PPM mixtures are automatically calculated using base (dilution) mixtures.
Post Fill Mixture Calculator - This utility assists you in calculating the concentration of the mixture from the actual grams added on the scale. The data is entered once and available to other modules (Labels, Recipe, etc.).
Mixture Label Generation - You select the gases in the mixture and the Labels Module prints a medical or industrial label with the following:
DOT Shipping Diamonds
DOT Proper Shipping Name
UN Number
CAS ID Numbers
OSHA, DOT and FDA warnings
Your address, logos, etc.
Sales Quotation Tool - This module recommends a mixture price based on: the gases in the mixture, technician labor, cylinder maintenance costs, materials costs, delivery costs, desired margin, etc. It facilitates a consistent pricing strategy which protects your margin.
The Specialty Gas Manager is available for $4950.00.
Other software is also available (SG Order Entry/Inventory Control, Acetylene Requalification, Lab Automation)
The Specialty Gas Manager – Quick Tour
The Specialty Gas Manager uses the Windows interface to calculate recipes, print labels and certificates of analysis. The system runs as well on networks as on single workstations. Please see the following pages for a description of the Specialty Gas Manager.